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Do you want an alternative to smoking cigarettes?

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Powered by Mom Blog wants to share some information on an alternative that might help you quite smoking tobacco!

I recently reviewed a website Ecigarettes365 to find out more about electronic cigarettes. This site looks like a good place to start to find out more information on e-cigarettes as it's a review site that provided a lot of information on e-cigarettes, what's out there etc.. I'm not a smoker and never have been but I have a very close friend whom I've known since I was 20 years old who has never been able to quit smoking despite trying very hard to several times over the years.

It was very interesting to review the information on this website about electronic cigarettes as I have to admit I did not know very much about them at all. E-cigarettes are apparently a relatively new product that more and more people are beginning to learn about but I've heard there is some misinformation out there about them. I wanted to share some of the information that I found out about e-cigarettes.

E-cigarettes, deliver nicotine by inhaling vaporized water/nicotine solution without the tar, carbon monoxide and everything else that comes with the "smoke" party. There is no smoke, no clouds of toxic vapor to affect anyone around the e-cigarette unlike the dangers of second hand smoke. E-cigarettes seem to satisfy most smokers as they get the same nicotine satisfaction.

Some things to keep in mind, the e-cigarette is NOT labelled as a smoking cessation device. It is an alternative for smokers who want to eliminate the tobacco and tar etc.. from their smoking. However if you think about it, it can have the same potential as nicotine gum and patches that smokers do utilize to help them quit smoking. It is an alternative for smokers.

In addition to the potential to eliminate the ill effects of smoking tobacco, the tar & carbon monoxide for those who wish to continue to smoke but want to take some positive steps e-cigarettes can also possibly save money with them. The site mentioned above even has an electronic cigarette savings calculator where you can input your information and figure out if it would save you money.

If you're looking for an alternative to help you eliminate some of the nastiness of smoking cigarettes you might want to consider researching e-cigarettes and this site is a good place to start. Feel free to share this information.

By on January 5th, 2013

About Powered by Mom

I’m Michelle aka Powered by Mom. I’m married with one daughter, my hubby was my high school sweetheart, our two dogs Nyx and Cleo and our cat Oliver. As you can see we’re a family of animal lovers. We love to travel when we can, try different food and activities all over the world and enjoy being together. My passions are writing, travelling, creating new recipes, encouraging people to adopt not shop and just to enjoy life while we can.

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65 thoughts on “Do you want an alternative to smoking cigarettes?”

  1. Hi, my name is Andrea, and I am a smoker! Tomorrow, 1/28, is my quit day. I'm starting nicotine patches to wean myself. I thought about an e-cig but decided I'd try the patches. Wish me luck!!!

  2. This sounds good and heard of a few people who have tried it so I think I will check it out and will pass this on. Thanks for the info.

  3. I will tell my daughter in law, I have been tryying to get her to quit smoking for years now. She does not smoke around the kids which is very good. She smokes about two a day right now. Quitting shouldn' be too hard for her.

  4. I haven't touch a cigarette in nearly 2 years now. 🙂 Still LOVE the smell of them but does not make me crave one or anything. I did self hypnosis.

  5. I have tried the electric cigarettes and I think they are really good. I plan to buy some again really soon, Because I really want to get my health under control. Finally quit this year.

  6. My son bought me e-cigarettes for Christmas. I think it is great that he wants me to quit smoking but until I am ready I will use them.

  7. I am a smoker and as most smokers, I have tried to quit. I have struggled with quitting for many years and I just can't seem to do it. I know the dangers of smoking, I hate spending all that money and most of all, I just don't enjoy it. But it is my addiction! I've tried just about everything to quit from cold turkey, to patches, to gum. I have heard a lot lately about these electronic cigarettes and I actually think they are a very good idea. Thank you for the resource.

  8. I don't smoke ( once, when I was in the 6th grade...I thought I was cool, inhaled, and threw up...so NOT cool...lol - never could bring myself to try it again!) but my husband has quit multiple times...recently, he was off of cigs for two years, and picked it back up this summer...UGH! I will talk to him about these as an option...thanks for giving us some info because I had no idea what these were about!

  9. I switched to e-cigs about 2 years ago and absolutely love them. I will never smoke real cigs again. I can breathe again, I don't have a terrible cough and I'm not getting all those chemicals and they are so much cheaper - huge fan.

  10. Great review, I think smokers needs to read it and maybe it can help them out. I hear of a lot of smokers wanting to quit. I will indeed share this with some friends.

  11. Thanks so much, I really need to quit. My grandfather is currently hospitalized for copd related to smoking. I have been a smoker for almost 15 years now, with a few breaks here and there, but I always pick the habit back up. Thanks so much for all that you do! Love you page and your AWESOME work here!

  12. I've never used a cigarette myself, but I do believe that this might help some of my smoker friends. There are so many ways to quit smoking, but only few methods work for certain people.

  13. My parents have smoked for most their lives and they have tried everything, everything but this. I am going to send them this recommendation

  14. I think I'm going to get this for my husband. My only question is that since it is pure nicotine ..is it stronger than regular cigarettes? I'll have to research the site before I choose which one. Thanks for the info and link

  15. An alternative would be good if it results in the person quitting smoking for good. Smoking is unhealthy and the faux or smokeless has to have a positive end result to be worthwhile.

  16. Ecigs help... if you do not combine them with cigarettes like so many people do. I've recommended ECigs to a lot of people but also recommend aromatherapy to back it up. SmokeScents is the best on the market. For about the cost of a few packs of smokes, you can cut the nicotine cravings about 90% and feel relaxed in a no smoke zone. Google SmokeScents. You'll love em.

  17. Thanks for the review. I have struggled with a smoking addiction for the past 15 years. I quit when I pregnant and for about 9 months after but have started to have a couple cigarettes a day again. I have been considering the ECig for awhile. I think for most smokers, the gum and patches don't work because they need the hand to mouth action they are used to with smoking. I might have to give this a try.

  18. I have heard so much about these products and would love for hubby and I to have them available. Quitting smoking is by far one of the most difficult things to do, but so very necessary once it starts to effect your health. (You are very fortunate to have never smoked!) Thank you for sharing this information 🙂

  19. I ordered my husband one and hopefully, it will finally work once and for all. My daughter and I can't wait. At least we won't have to put up with that awful smoke smell any longer.

  20. I am not a smoker and I love that this would eliminate second hand smoke. I have nothing against smokers but I grew up with my father smoking inside our room, inside the car, inside the house, etc. and we inhale his second hand smoke. This would be great so that non-smokers wouldn't inhale the second hand smoke smokers puff out.

  21. I've smoked for years and have tried to quit numerous times. Every time I was unsuccessful. I heard about electronic cigarettes a few years ago but never believed they would help me quit. However, after reading this review I am reconsidering their usefulness. They may be a good alternative for me by lessening some of the harmful effects of tobacco smoke while I struggle with quitting for good. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

  22. Thanks for the review. I would really like to quit smoking and have heard about this product before. My friends mom used this to help her quit.

  23. Hey thanks--this is interesting--i need to do my checking in to this-- I've seen them on TV but thought OH SURE--like everything else that is advertised--I hate buying everything I see on TV only to find that its all garbage and a lot of waste of my money-- so this maybe something I can get my husband to try. I really appreciate you researching this even more

  24. I have one. I worked overnights in a clients home and didn't want to go outside and leave them and risk them falling or something. so i got one. i went 12 hour shifts without smoking a real cigarette and was really proud of myself. they only bad thing was they seem to make me cough sometimes. especially if i haven't used one for a day, the first few drags make me cough. my most important new years resolution is to finally quit smoking. i have 2 packs of cigarettes now. when i finish those i will switch to the e cigarette, after a few days i will start using chantix again to really kick the habit. i am finally ready to get this done! 🙂

  25. These are a great alternative to smoking regular cigarettes! People who use these also can smoke them inside (most establishments allow it, since there isn't any smoke). Hopefully more people will switch to these!

  26. I have been using a similar product for a couple of weeks and have cut down on smoking regular cigarettesand am hoping to quit using this product

  27. Thanks for sharing! More people should try these. I was a two pack a day smoker and now use an e-cig and don't miss traditional cigs at all!

  28. I've tried the electronic cigarette yet I still struggle and have gone back to my regulars.. My mother quit and started using the e cigarettes and she hasn't gone back...

  29. Wow, I am so glad I saw this. I do not smoke but I know someone who has been trying to quit, so I am going to pass this information along!

  30. Thanks so much for this information. I will definitely go and read the reviews on the site that you mentioned because for me quitting smoking has been so hard. I want to quit but need the help to quit. Thanks again for posting this information.

  31. Thanks for the info I have also been trying to quit and was thinking about this so I will have to check out the siteand get more info!

  32. This sounds like the perfect device for people who want the satisfaction of smoking. The patches and gum may work for people who want to quit, but this helps smokers cut down on toxins.


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