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Recycling Electronics – Keeping Green & Getting some Dough

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With birthdays and other occasions coming up I know some children have been pining for the new Nintendo Wii U console. It would be a great gift for any child and if they siblings they can all play together, since there are so many fun group games to play. The Wii U is quite costly, so I’ve been looking into ways to make any extra money fast online. Our useless electronic junk proved perfect to recycle by selling on, rather than sending to landfill, so I could be green on my money-hunt.

If you’re in a similar financial pickle like me, and want to know the best places to sell old gadgets for some quick and easy money, here is what I would recommend:


For big, bulky items, which are costly to post, Craigslist is the most popular site for classified adverts. Since it can be localised to where you live, you can get the buyer to pick up the item from you, so it’s pretty hassle free. Although it may take a while to sell your goods, particularly if they’re old like my ab-toner was, but I got a good sum for it in the end. 


For new-ish or never been used items, such as cooking appliances which have barely emerged from the box, eBay is pretty good for almost instant sales, with relatively low postage costs. My ice-cream maker was a gift, but since having the kids my weight can yo-yo, and I’ve never used it. So I got a pretty cool deal, considering it was given to me free in the first place.


The fastest and easiest way of making some dough online was using MusicMagpie. I could sell my stuff that I wasn’t sure what else to do with, such as unwanted CDs and DVDs, and even our old boxy desktop computer. This accumulation increased our overall total payment, which we received securely as soon as we sent off our items, using their free postage service. The kids even chipped in when they found out the huge variety of gadgets Music Magpie accepted, and they sold their old consoles and games they no longer wanted too. They’re such good kids!

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Of course, they don’t know yet that mommy’s efforts have been for the new Wii U, but I’ll be sure to tell them when it’s opened. It’ll certainly be a day Wii will all enjoy!



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By on March 4th, 2013

About Powered by Mom

I’m Michelle aka Powered by Mom. I’m married with one daughter, my hubby was my high school sweetheart, our two dogs Nyx and Cleo and our cat Oliver. As you can see we’re a family of animal lovers. We love to travel when we can, try different food and activities all over the world and enjoy being together. My passions are writing, travelling, creating new recipes, encouraging people to adopt not shop and just to enjoy life while we can.

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48 thoughts on “Recycling Electronics – Keeping Green & Getting some Dough”

  1. My nephew is industrious and goes "scrapping" on garbage nights. He loads items on his truck, takes them apart and sells to the scrapyards. He also works a farm co-op and sells organic eggs and produce. I'm very proud of my "green" nephew!

  2. I love the concept of selling my used electronics, but it so much trouble for such little money. I'd rather give the used items to charity and let them take care of them.

  3. ive used the recycling before and its a good way to give back, so others can perhaps benefit from the recycled electronics and get use out of them.

  4. I have never heard of Music Magpie. Definitely a site I will be checking out and hopefully I can get the kiddos on board to get rid of some of their things as well. Thank you for the post and information!!

  5. One of my favorite places is http://www.freecycle.org/ this is the best place/organization ever! They are saving the earth .. people post what they have .. they give it away .. you give away what you have .. NO MONEY EXCHANGES tho... but the earth stays litter free and lots of people end up with alotta cool stuff!

  6. I have been using ebay and Craigslist BUT I have not heard of MusicMagpie! Thank you for this post, I am going to add MusicMagpie to my list of ways to make some cash and reduce clutter!!

  7. I have used Craig'slist also. I enter a lot of contests and sometimes win something that I can't use. Case in point, a large size chicken feeder, (lol, yes for real). I put it on Craigslist and there is a chicken farmer who got the deal of his life!

  8. I have never thought about selling my old electronics.
    I am now going to go through my clutter and dig
    some of it out.

  9. I love to recycle our stuff and I also buy recyle things from other buyers, i usually use craiglist and our local FB yard sale site.

  10. I have sold a few items on Kijiji and eBay and was surprised how easy it was and I actually made some cash. I also have purchased a great baby stroller for my niece for a super awesome price. I think it's a great idea to recycle our stuff by selling it and not just either letting it collect dust or throw it away!

  11. I started selling on eBay to just get rid of items around the house and now I have turned it into a small business. I buy and resell everything from vintage collectibles to jewelery and other finds at local flea markets and auctions. A great way to make extra money and eBay is user friendly and easy to do.

  12. I have been using ebay and craigslist for years to sell extra things I dont want or need. I even use it to buy stuff on occasion. I found a cell phone recycle machine at the mall that gives you cash for your old phones, so i bought a few and got some cash for them. I am always looking for new ways recycle or reuse things. Thanks for the info. 🙂

  13. I am in a financial pickle too! I have sold on Ebay before and made a few extra bucks selling my old phones and electronics 🙂

  14. I have several items that I don't even know why I hold onto so this could be a great opportunity for me to make a little cash

  15. We bought our truck through Craig's List. Got a heck of a deal. Craig's List is a great way to giveaway and donate stuff too. You never know who might want your old electronics to repurpose and keep the goods out of the landfill.

  16. I never heard of MusicMagpie, this sounds awesome. I have been wanting to try ebay but just have not done that yet. Normally I have 3 garage sales a year and then donate the rest.

  17. This is pretty interesting, id never heard of music magpie before but im sure my DH would love it if he could get some cash for some of his old video games and consoles. And im certain weve got piles of electronics in boxes that we just seem to move from place to place!

  18. I know in our city, they really frown upon throwing used electronics out in the garbage. I admit to doing it in the past and never really thought about trying to seel it. I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the great information! 🙂

  19. I used to sell a lot of stuff on Ebay. Years ago when I lived in NY, we used to recycle soda bottles & cans. I got enough nickels to buy some arts & crafts supplies when they were on sale. Now that I live in a non-recycle state, I feel the kids are missing something important.

  20. My family has sold a lot of things on Craigslist, and we have also sold a lot of items at yard sales. It is so nice to get extra money selling electronic items that we no longer use!

  21. Honestly - it has never occurred to me to sell my used electronics. I never thought anyone would want them. But I guess these days a lot of ppl are actually looking for used stuff. Thanks for the heads up about MusicMagpie, I had never heard of them before until now! Take care!

  22. I have been selling online for many years, but I hadn't thought of the old gadgets we had stashed away. I don't use Craigslist, I used to use eBay a lot, but now mostly browse and buy instead of selling. I have never heard of MusicMagpie. I want to check that one out!

  23. I have been selling unneeded items on Ebay for years and we also use Craigslist for our large items. I also routinely shop on Ebay. LOL

  24. I just drop mine off at Best Buy for recycling. I don't have enough time and energy to list everything I'd like to get rid of.

  25. I've never even heard of Music Magpie but now I'm glad you mentioned them! I have a lot of stuff I wasn't sure how to get rid of.

  26. Anytime I can find great tips that save me money, or better yet, make me money...I am all for it. These are definitely some. Thank you for sharing.

  27. I'd never heard of music magpie.. I wonder if it is U.S only. I have had some success selling bedroom furniture on craigslist before. For the ten calls we recieved one buyer eventually showed up without trying to bargain.

  28. I knew about craigslist and ebay but had not heard of the 3rd one.. Now a place for me to check out we have old consoles and games that no ones plays or we don't have the consoles anymore.

  29. I didnt know there were places like this that you could take your old gadgets too and they would give you money for them great idea.

  30. I had never heard of Music Magpie before reading this post. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure I have a ton of stuff that I could get rid of.

  31. i never thought to sell my old phones and stuff, great post, i have a drawer full of phones, im going to make a couple bucks thanks

  32. I have a few items that are gathering dust but still useable. Thanks for giving me a kick in the pants about this.

  33. I have been selling on eBay for over 10 years and I also buy and sell on craigslist. Both venues are a great way to sell off items you no longer need and pick up great deals on things you and your family may need. They are user friendly and as long as you have a camera and a computer you are good to go!


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